permissions policy
I own the content on this website. It is copyrighted in my name. I want to strike the appropriate balance between getting my content widely distributed while at the same time protecting my intellectual property rights. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Without My Permission
You are free to do the following without my permission:
- Link to my site or any specific post on my site.
- Extract and re-post less than 200 words on any other site, provided you link back to my original post.
- Print off my posts and photocopy up to 50 copies for internal distribution within your own company or organization.
- Print my posts in any non-commercial publication (e.g., company newsletter, class syllabus, etc.), provided you include this copyright notice: “© 2015, Margaret R. Tarampi. All rights reserved. Originally published at”
You must have my express written consent to do any of the following:
- Use this content in for commercial purposes, including selling or licensing printed or digital versions of my content.
- Alter, transform, or build upon this work.
Credit for Policy Wording: Michael S. Hyatt